interviews Archives - Samahita Retreat Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:47:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 interviews Archives - Samahita Retreat 32 32 Samahita Teachers Interview – Gill Breetzke Thu, 08 Dec 2022 05:51:01 +0000 The post Samahita Teachers Interview – Gill Breetzke appeared first on Samahita Retreat.


What are some of the most important things in life to you on a daily basis?

The most important things for me each day are really the simple real relationships and experiences that make each moment unique. Time spent with family and friends. Good food. Great coffee. Freedom and space in a beautiful natural environment. Time spent doing things that matter. Stillness, laughter, movement, connection, savoring each moment.

What makes you continue to do yoga practice?

I have found that Yoga brings me into a deeper sense of presence. Each part of practice allows me to drop into what is real in that moment. Constantly unravelling. Removing the illusion of control. Allowing me to tune into the rhythm of life. My practice has slowly evolved and changed and continues to do that. It is a consistent thread that allows me to navigate the joys and challenges of life. It allows me the space to just be. In essence it allows me to look in, to connect and in turn to move into the days with more awareness. It really just makes good sense on every level! Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical. I would never forget to brush my teeth in the morning…and likewise would never forget to spend time on my mat…

Is there a particular element of yoga practice that you value more than others?

I feel that each part has its value. At different stages of our life we may find certain elements more beneficial than others. I remember when I started practicing it really was all about movement and asana but through years of consistent daily practice have felt this shift. The asana really helped me at first to connect, to find stability and stillness and I now find myself more drawn to the more contemplative elements of practice. When I started pranayama was always something that I tagged on to practice but this has evolved into cornerstone of my daily practice.

And what made you start to practice in those early days?

I had always been really active, going to the gym, playing tennis, hiking, walking – I was teaching a class of 30 five-year old’s at the time so I really never sat down. One of the parents at school asked me to come to yoga with them and from the first moment I was hooked. It just made sense and soon grew into a daily practice. The connection to myself, my body, my breath and the wonderful community of yogis that I found myself surrounded my really transformed my life in every way.

What inspires you to teach yoga to others?

Richard Freeman likes to say “Yoga ruins your life” and it’s true, well in the sense that Yoga can completely change your life. That really was the case for me. I never thought I was a morning person but suddenly I was waking up before the sunrise and moving into the day with more clarity and balance. My social life shifted a little. Practice changed the course of where I was headed and lead me to where I am now. It has enabled me to fearlessly face all that arises in daily life…to navigate my way through each day with a growing sense of awareness, sincerity and added compassion both for myself and those around me. This is what inspires me to share these practices with others. I know it works! I really believe that if we can all start to establish a sense of connection to ourselves, to cultivate balance and self-compassion, allowing our self to be with what is, that will, in turn ripple out into the world around us…one breath at a time – and so – I share!

Is there an experience that really moved you, touched your heart in life?

If I think about it honestly it is really the more challenging life experiences in life that that have opened my heart and brought me to the place which allows me to be touched by what life brings and for that I am truly grateful. There are so many moments that touch my heart: times spent sharing openly with loved ones, times spent with students, on the mat, sharing these practices together and I find it is those little acts of kindness to another that truly touch my heart.

Tell us, in your view, what’s important when considering what yoga is all about?

Yoga is all about completely embracing, connecting and living a full, purposeful life. Peeling back the layers, unravelling and getting down to what is truly real and matters.

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Pranayama & Ayurveda and the importance of practicing with a teacher Mon, 14 Dec 2020 05:26:54 +0000 The post Pranayama & Ayurveda and the importance of practicing with a teacher appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Pranayama & Ayurveda and the importance of practicing with a teacher

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Interview with Paul Dallaghan: Yoga & Samahita Retreat Mon, 02 Nov 2020 11:56:26 +0000 The post Interview with Paul Dallaghan: Yoga & Samahita Retreat appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Paul was asked about his yoga journey and how that led to opening Samahita almost 20 years ago.

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Interview with Paul Dallaghan – A Life in Yoga Mon, 05 Oct 2020 04:54:43 +0000 The post Interview with Paul Dallaghan – A Life in Yoga appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Paul Dallaghan was asked about some key events from his life in yoga. We’ve left in all the bits he wanted edited out!! Well, maybe

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The Benefits of Pranayama Fri, 11 Sep 2020 04:54:42 +0000 The post The Benefits of Pranayama appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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What are the benefits of pranayama? Sri O. P. Tiwari explains briefly how pranayama allows us to see reality for what it is and not as it appears.

[av_section min_height='' min_height_pc='25' min_height_px='500px' padding='no-padding' custom_margin='0px' custom_margin_sync='true' svg_div_top='' svg_div_top_color='#333333' svg_div_top_width='100' svg_div_top_height='50' svg_div_top_max_height='none' svg_div_top_opacity='' svg_div_bottom='' svg_div_bottom_color='#333333' svg_div_bottom_width='100' svg_div_bottom_height='50' svg_div_bottom_max_height='none' svg_div_bottom_opacity='' color='main_color' background='bg_color' custom_bg='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' background_gradient_color1='#000000' background_gradient_color2='#ffffff' background_gradient_color3='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' overlay_opacity='0.5' overlay_color='' overlay_pattern='' overlay_custom_pattern='' shadow='no-border-styling' bottom_border='no-border-styling' bottom_border_diagonal_color='#333333' bottom_border_diagonal_direction='' bottom_border_style='' custom_arrow_bg='' id='' custom_class='post-bio' template_class='' aria_label='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' av_uid='av-l28hpj3l' sc_version='1.0'] [av_one_third first min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' row_boxshadow_color='' row_boxshadow_width='10' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' mobile_breaking='' mobile_column_order='' min_col_height='' padding='' padding_sync='true' svg_div_top='' svg_div_top_color='#333333' svg_div_top_width='100' svg_div_top_height='50' svg_div_top_max_height='none' svg_div_top_opacity='' svg_div_bottom='' svg_div_bottom_color='#333333' svg_div_bottom_width='100' svg_div_bottom_height='50' svg_div_bottom_max_height='none' svg_div_bottom_opacity='' border='' border_style='solid' border_color='' radius='' radius_sync='true' column_boxshadow_color='' column_boxshadow_width='10' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' background_gradient_color1='#000000' background_gradient_color2='#ffffff' background_gradient_color3='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' highlight_size='1.1' animation='' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' title_attr='' alt_attr='' mobile_display='' mobile_col_pos='0' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' aria_label='' av_uid='av-1fljhev' sc_version='1.0'] [av_image src='' attachment='44398' attachment_size='full' copyright='' caption='' image_size='' styling='' align='center' font_size='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' animation='no-animation' hover='' appearance='' link='' target='' title_attr='' alt_attr='' img_scrset='' lazy_loading='disabled' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' av_uid='av-zpv2cn' sc_version='1.0' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image] [/av_one_third][av_two_third min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' row_boxshadow_color='' row_boxshadow_width='10' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' mobile_breaking='' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' padding='15px' padding_sync='true' column_boxshadow_color='' column_boxshadow_width='10' background='bg_gradient' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='#93adab' background_gradient_color2='#ffffff' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' highlight_size='1.1' animation='' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' title_attr='' alt_attr='' mobile_display='' id='' custom_class='' aria_label='' av_uid='av-j5lg07'] [av_textblock size='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' font_color='' color='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-l28hkww9' sc_version='1.0' admin_preview_bg=''] Dr. Paul Dallaghan’s expertise with breathwork, body and meditative practices comes from three sources: (1) three decades of daily dedicated practice and teaching these techniques; (2) uniquely acknowledged in the Yoga tradition by the title of “Master Yogi-Prānācharya (expert in breath)”, following an immersion in the original culture through one-on-one direct training in practice and study of ancient texts; (3) a PhD in doctoral scientific research at a leading US university (Emory) covering both the tradition and science of yoga and breath practices in terms of stress, health and aging. As a result, Paul occupies a unique space to impart genuine teaching and science on the breath, body, and meditative practices, seen as a Teacher-of-teachers and identified to carry on the tradition of Pranayama. His sincere and ongoing role is to teach, write and research, to help put out experienced and authentic information on these areas of how we live, breathe and be, to help people improve their mental and physical health, and live more fulfilling lives. For more on his background see his bio [/av_textblock] [/av_two_third][/av_section]

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Live Talk Show Featuring Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor Wed, 29 Apr 2020 07:58:31 +0000 The post Live Talk Show Featuring Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Paul Interviews Richard & Mary on the Samahita Couch. Light hearted debate with some deep reflection. Expect the unexpected from 2 special unannounced guests!

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Q&A with Paul Dallaghan – How are you handling Samahita during Global Crisis? Tue, 07 Apr 2020 06:43:20 +0000 The post Q&A with Paul Dallaghan – How are you handling Samahita during Global Crisis? appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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These are challenging times for all – individuals and business alike. Paul Dallaghan talks about Samahita Retreat in “stealth mode” and the community of staff we support and depend on.

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