Daniel Stringer, Author at Samahita Retreat https://samahitaretreat.com/author/daniel/ Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:48:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://samahitaretreat.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-favicon-samahita-1-36x36.webp Daniel Stringer, Author at Samahita Retreat https://samahitaretreat.com/author/daniel/ 32 32 1 Minute Yoga – Janu Sirsasana https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-janu-sirsasana/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-janu-sirsasana/#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2023 04:54:49 +0000 https://samahitaretreat.com/?p=58558 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Janu Sirsasana appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Practice Janu Sirsasana – more than just a forward bend. Find the symmetry in the asymmetry while supporting deep in the core of the body. Watch now with Daniel

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1 Minute Yoga – Advanced Nauli https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-advanced-nauli-2/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-advanced-nauli-2/#respond Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:50:46 +0000 http://samahitaretreat.com/?p=53817 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Advanced Nauli appeared first on Samahita Retreat.


Once pre nauli has been established it’s time to learn central nauli and the churning. Here Paul Dallaghan explains while Gill Breetzke and Daniel Stringer demonstrate the stages.

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Getting closer to Samahita’s teachers – Daniel Stringer https://samahitaretreat.com/getting-closer-to-samahitas-teachers-daniel-stringer/ https://samahitaretreat.com/getting-closer-to-samahitas-teachers-daniel-stringer/#respond Sun, 13 Nov 2022 13:45:06 +0000 https://samahitaretreat.com/?p=57113 The post Getting closer to Samahita’s teachers – Daniel Stringer appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Samahita has been fortunate over these 20 years to have some very dedicated students who became instructors who developed as teachers. The time, sincerity, dedication, integrity, willingness to explore and work on understanding the human condition, gain expertise in how the body works, devote time to the breath, and tend the various strands of mental life bring one over years to a teacher’s level.

So I thought I’d pose some more intimate questions to these wonderful people so we can all get to know them better. Though you may have “met” them on camera during our covid closure, dedicated as ever, here they are saying a little more. In this week’s letter we take a focus on Daniel.

Q. What are some of the most important things in life to you on a daily basis?
A. It will come as no surprise that my family come first, especially my young son. Family life can be difficult but is a life-long work in progress and ultimately encourages selfless action. On the other hand I value my personal time for yoga, time to reflect and creative activities. I started life as an artist and this is how I discovered my inner self.

Q. What makes you continue to do yoga practice?
A. After practicing for many years a natural momentum builds up and this continues without even thinking about it. However it’s not always beneficial to simply practice out of habit. There are obviously the physical health benefits that continue to show, and to be felt, on a daily basis. Then, more specifically, is the shift in state of mind / attitude that ensues after a good practice. I always feel that everything will work out well in life. This positive mindset and inspiration keeps me going. There is also the unpleasant physical feeling if I miss practice that acts as a kind of reminder to do it. I sometimes wonder how people manage without it. Yoga is the ultimate therapy for life.

Q. And what made you start to practice in those early days?
A. Initially it was curiosity as I was already living an active lifestyle and searching for ways to be healthy and happy. Once I’d started there was no going back.

Q. Is there a particular element of yoga practice that you value more than others?
A. I value all elements of yoga practice but there are times when I feel one particular practice is more helpful depending on my physical or psychological condition. Overall each element enhances the other whether body, breath or mind orientated practice and the reality is you can not simply have one element without the others.

Q. What inspires you to teach yoga to others?
A. I love to see other people appreciate and benefit from practicing yoga at any level. This motivates me to keep teaching – if they enjoy it or recognize their potential then I’m encouraged to keep going. My own ability to connect with people has improved as a result of teaching yoga. I also love how we share energy in a class – if you put effort in something will come back. On another level teaching is itself a practice that requires attention, refinement and study. This improves ones own understanding of the value and purpose of yoga.

Q. Tell us, in your view, what’s important when considering what yoga is all about?
A. Historically yoga has a specific purpose and outcome but on a personal level we may experience it differently. I believe yoga allows us to truly understand, and deeply feel, our connection to everything else. This puts our own unique life into perspective.

Q. Is there an experience that really moved you, touched your heart in life?
A. I am always touched when someone helps me without expecting anything in return. This has happened at pivotal moments in my life. Selfless action is always deeply moving and inspires us to act in kind.

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1 Minute Yoga – Marichyasana A https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-marichyasana-a/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-marichyasana-a/#respond Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:54:48 +0000 https://samahitaretreat.com/?p=56929 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Marichyasana A appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Marichyasana A – Why would you do this pose? Is it just awkward or can it give some benefits, even if you only do the basic version, sitting up on a block? Take your time with it and you can begin to create space and support in the pelvis to lower back. Slowly, daily, bit-by-bit.

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1 Minute Yoga-Janu Sirsasana

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Assisting Yoga Practice – Physical to Subtle https://samahitaretreat.com/assisting-yoga-practice-physical-to-subtle/ https://samahitaretreat.com/assisting-yoga-practice-physical-to-subtle/#respond Mon, 04 Jul 2022 06:07:08 +0000 https://samahitaretreat.com/?p=56396 The post Assisting Yoga Practice – Physical to Subtle appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Photo: Paul adds the finishing touch. This is a bit of a throwback as we rarely practice like this anymore. Guidance is offered subtly just as much, or more so, than any physical assist.

Over the years I’ve noticed how the style and level of assistance my teacher Paul has offered his students. The methods a teacher uses to do this can be explained in terms of gross, subtle and causal (or very subtle) in a similar way the different levels of awareness and personal practice evolve. Although all three levels are employed by experienced teachers from the outset I have noticed a marked shift over the years, of my teacher, towards a more subtle hands off approach. As with all things in yoga, we need to interact with our students on all levels wether physical, emotional or deeper states of awareness. It is also a matter of needs vs wants as we help in accordance with what is needed for development rather than what is merely desired. When teacher and student work together in this way what results is a unique, personalized path of growth and development.

Personal experience

My own story here starts from the days of developing an asana practice at Samahita that involved some really deep assists as postures were often sufficiently complex or challenging to require direct hands on help. It was also a means of working through emotional-physical states that would have proved difficult without assistance.

Of course for those of you who have practiced at Samahita over the last 15 + years may have experienced the same. Although, as a matter of general practice, we are taught to work on deeper subtle levels with the breath and mind as we also work with the body.

The journey of the student is comparable to that of the teacher, as our understanding develops so does the practice. As we explore all levels of experience and growth we find new ways to practice and express ourselves.

How the teachings unfold – From the external to the internal.

Private Sessions

Your teacher walks over, takes a look at you, your body, its form, balance and expression. They make a judgment, maybe say few words of guidance or places their hands to make an adjustment or assist. You listen, feel it, adjust yourself or wait for the physical sensation, your awareness changes, your balance shifts and your body, your posture, assumes a new form.

Sitting, focused deeply on breath, the abdomen rises and falls, your hand occasionally lifts to touch the nose. The breath stops in a retention, you pause, wait lift the chin and continue breathing. Your teacher watches your body, the abdomen, the chest, your expression. The body still reveals strain or ease or comfort. The pattern of the breath it’s regularity, proportion and the balance of inhale, retention and exhale all reveal something about your state or comfort with the technique. In this case a simple touch or a few words will suffice.

Going deeper, contemplation, subtle, deep pranayama practice. Emptying the mind, internalizing awareness, observing prana. How do we see from the outside? In this state how is assistance given? In the case with traditional pranayama, the pulse is taken. The inner condition is read and measured subtly. Maybe a word or two, a nod, smile or just a look. And that’s it, they know, you know and the practice continues.

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1 Minute Yoga – Sun Salutation A https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-sun-salutation-a/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-sun-salutation-a/#respond Mon, 06 Dec 2021 05:31:32 +0000 https://samahitaretreat.com/?p=54932 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Sun Salutation A appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Learn the key points for Salutation A in 1 minute with Gill and Daniel – Just give yourself a little more time to practice!

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1 Minute Yoga – Core https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-core/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-core/#respond Thu, 26 Aug 2021 04:54:47 +0000 http://samahitaretreat.com/?p=54449 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Core appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Looking for a simple CORE routine? Daniel teaches a simple dish in 1 minute. Watch then practice.

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1 Minute Yoga – Empathy https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-empathy/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-empathy/#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 12:16:45 +0000 http://samahitaretreat.com/?p=54266 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Empathy appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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The importance of empathy in meditation practice and daily life.

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1 Minute Yoga – Bakasana https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-bakasana/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-bakasana/#respond Tue, 15 Dec 2020 07:42:35 +0000 http://samahitaretreat.com/?p=54155 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Bakasana appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Bakasana, (crane pose or crow pose) takes a while to develop for many but here you can learn the key points in 1 minute with Daniel & GIll

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1 Minute Yoga – Bridge Pose https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-bridge-pose/ https://samahitaretreat.com/1-minute-yoga-bridge-pose/#respond Mon, 05 Oct 2020 12:23:56 +0000 http://samahitaretreat.com/?p=54007 The post 1 Minute Yoga – Bridge Pose appeared first on Samahita Retreat.

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Learn the essentials of bridge pose with Gill & Daniel in 1 Minute.

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